Disposable Wipes: Only Flush Poo, Pee & Paper (Toilet)
Although they are out of sight and out of mind except when they spring a leak or back up, water and sewer systems are more vital to civilized society than any other aspect of infrastructure. Deteriorating roads and bridges may stifle our economy and turn transportation headaches into nightmares, but if the water and sewer systems fail, then life as we know it will too. Without an ample supply of water, people don’t drink, toilets don’t get flushed, businesses don’t operate, and fires go unchecked. When sewage systems fail, municipalities can’t function, and epidemics break out.
Nationwide, it is estimated about 900 billion gallons of raw sewage flows into our waterways without being treated due to sewer line leaks and backups. It is not just a problem in the old cities on the East coast. It has been estimated that Oklahoma has a need for $82 billion in water and sewer infrastructure rehabilitation over the next 50 years. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) stated, “I remember when they used to consider us out in the newer states like Oklahoma as not having the infrastructure problems of the older states, but that’s not true anymore.” Many of the sewer systems of our Oklahoma cities and towns are 100+ years old.
With the toilet paper shortage of 2020, many people have turned to purchasing and using “flushable wipes”. Flushable wipes, though advertised as safe for sewer and septic systems, are not. They are not designed to be biodegradable; please, don’t use these!
Items like flushable wipes, tampons, sanitary napkins, dental floss, diapers, cotton swabs, and bandages are not designed to be flushed down the toilet. These items get caught up in fats, greases, oils, and debris in the sewer system and cause clogs. This can cause a backup in your personal sewer line or in the municipality’s sewer lines. The material can even make it all the way to the sewer treatment plant and destroy thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment.
What CAN be safely flushed into your town’s sewer lines? Only three things: Poo, Pee, and Toilet Paper. Protect your property, the property of your neighbors, and your municipality’s property. Only flush the 3 P’s (poo, pee, and paper). If you use flushable wipes or other products not biodegradable put them in plastic bags and place them in your trash.