
5 Defensive Driving Strategies

In the past decade road rage incidents have increased in the USA by 600%. People are getting downright nasty on America’s roadways. We all make mistakes while driving and we can’t control what other people do on the roadway. However, we can control what we do on the roadway. Let’s look at 5 Defensive Driving strategies to stay safe while driving, and perhaps keep from losing our cool and raging on somebody.

  1. Space Management – Be aware of what’s going on all around you: What’s in front of you, behind you, to the sides of you, above you, and under you. Keep your eyes moving looking a block or two ahead of you and looking in your side and rearview mirrors. Notice low hanging branches or signs, bumps and potholes, and traffic coming up to intersections from other streets. See and make mental notes of potential hazards.

  2. Situational Awareness – Identify potential hazards and formulate a plan to deal with them should a situation arise. Since you have managed the space around your vehicle you should be able to see potential hazards and can make decisions to keep you from becoming involved in an accident. Things like changing lanes, slowing down or turning down another street can help you avoid the hazard. Staying focused on your driving situation can save your life or the lives of others.

  3. Mapping & Tracking at Intersections – Looking at other vehicles’ situations while sitting at or approaching an intersection can protect you and others from having to deal with a traffic accident in an intersection. Notice turning lanes, sidewalk crossings, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, people distracted by phones or passenger conversations. Give yourself extra space between you and the car in front of you by stopping where you can completely see their tires touching the pavement. Wait a few seconds when the light changes and give the opportunity for the intersection to clear before entering it. Proceed slowly with your eyes scanning for potential danger, like a child running out into the street or a car in the wrong lane deciding to make a left turn. Again, focus on your driving and making plans for the unexpected.

  4. Parking – Where should you park and how do you park? Avoid parking close to stores and building entrances, as there is usually too much going on there with vehicles, pedestrians, loading and unloading, and cars vying for that closest parking spot. Instead, park away from entrances and walk in: it’s safer for you and your vehicle. Avoid parking next to someone that has parked crooked and made a tighter space for your vehicle. Use pull through parking if you can so that your first move out of the parking space when leaving is forward. If you can’t pull through into a space, consider taking the time to back into a space, again so your first movement when leaving is forward. Backing into a space when you are not in a hurry makes it much easier to leave when heading out on a call or just being in a hurry to get home.

  5. Attitude – “Check yourself, before you wreck yourself,” is a good way to prepare yourself for the responsibility of driving before you take off. When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you are in charge and totally responsible for your attitude, actions, and what is going on with your vehicle and in your vehicle. Get your emotions in control. Know your vehicle is in good working order, make sure you and your passengers are buckled up properly, and control unruly children or mischievous adults while your vehicle is stopped. That vehicle is a weapon that can kill you and/or others in just a moment of distraction. Take the job of driving seriously.

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Distracted Walking: A Major Working Safety Concern

Distracted driving is a well-established problem, so much so that many states have bans in place when it comes to using technology while driving, but the problem of “distracted walking” is a relatively new hazard. Sure, people have been walking out in front of moving objects or stepping off cliffs since the beginning of time, but a new piece of daily-use equipment seems to be increasing the problem – smartphones and tablets. While we might laugh at a woman who falls into a fountain while texting or someone who walks into a glass wall while watching a you-tube video on his phone, the problem with distracted walking is a very serious one.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 5,000 pedestrians were killed and another 76,000 injured in traffic accidents in 2012. While it is not clear how many of these were directly attributed to distracted walking, pedestrian fatalities are getting worse each year, perhaps due to the use of smart phones and other devices.

Common risks associated with distracted walking include: trips, sprains, strains, fractures, cuts, bruises, broken bones, concussions, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, death, and injuries to someone else. People who text while walking are 60% more likely to be injured or cause injury than non-texters. Scientist call the phenomenon, “inattentive blindness”; they state the human brain can only adequately focus on one task at a time. So, when you are texting or talking on the phone and trying to walk, you cannot give full attention to both tasks. Today we hear people brag about being able to “multi-task”, but our brains cannot efficiently provide adequate attention to more than one task at a time.

It’s not just texting while walking that is the problem. Talking, checking email, using social media, even playing games on your phone/tablet all contribute to the problem of distracted pedestrians. After years of decline, pedestrian deaths have started to increase since 2009, and while there is no reliable data directly related to cell phone use, experts speculate the increase is due in part to distracted users of cell phones while walking.

The solution to distracted walking is a simple one: Don’t use your cell phone or engage in other distracting activities while walking. Focus solely on the task at hand – getting from point A to point B in one piece, and worry about checking your phone when you get there.

Other safety concerns for pedestrians:

  • Traffic signals – Obey traffic signals (whether you are driving or a pedestrian). If the traffic signal is not in your favor do not begin crossing, and look before you begin to cross.

  • Cross streets at appropriate places -  Jaywalking or crossing the road where there is no crosswalk is a leading cause of pedestrian injury. The NHTSA has found that crossing streets improperly accounts for approximately 30% of pedestrian fatalities.

  • Visibility – It can be difficult for drivers to see those walking at night or in low-light or inclement weather. Wear light colored clothing, walk in well lit areas or carry a flashlight, and wear reflective clothing for added visibility.


Take the time to inform employees of the hazards of distracted walking, share with them the statistics, and create policies to reduce the potential for injuries due to distracted walking incidents. It is everybody’s responsibility to help create a safe work environment.

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Workplace Distraction Hazards

In a perfect world, employees don’t worry about breaking their arm, falling off scaffolds, or catching a lung disease. In a perfect world, they would be provided with excellent training, not just once, but regularly. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to worry about hazards at all. Besides being comfortable and self-cleaning, PPE could be worn in a matter of seconds and would have built-in chemical and radiation detectors. In a perfect world, when a vehicle was about to hit an employee or fire threatened to incinerate them, a bubble, from their PPE, would suddenly encompass them and keep them safe. Being resistant to fire, chemical toxins, harmful gases, and all the negative vibes of the world, the bubble would be the ultimate life and limb saver for the employee on the job. Maybe that’s taking it a bit too far, but you get the idea. All employees, whether they know it or not, wish for a job where they are provided with adequate training and PPE to keep them safe from the hazards in their workplace.

But even in a perfect world, any appropriate training or top-of-the-line PPE would be useless if a worker couldn’t manage one of the most threatening factors on the job: Distractions. Statistics show that distractions are a major contributor to many workplace injuries and fatalities.

Let’s briefly look at the 5 most common distractions on the job:

  1. Mental distractions and inattention – Have you ever replayed in your mind unpleasant scenes from home while operating equipment? Or perhaps fantasized about how events will play out concerning your upcoming big weekend plans? Maybe you’ve chatted with a coworker while performing a hazardous task. Mental distractions often lead to inattention, and that could lead to you or a coworker being injured or killed. Whether you are worrying, daydreaming, or just chatting, mental distractions can be just as dangerous as working with electricity or highly flammable materials. Avoid falling into mental distractions. Stay focused on your work.

  2. Poor housekeeping – Visual clutter can easily be translated into mental clutter. Frustration from not being able to find something due to a messy workplace can lead to overlooking a safety issue or make you angry enough to resort to aggression or violence. Keep work areas clean and clear of clutter, organize equipment and materials, and keep them in their place. Remember, too, that poor housekeeping says a lot about your attitude towards safety, quality, and productivity. Messy workspace also may give others the impression you are slothful.

  3. Machinery – Make sure you perform work at a safe distance from machines, heavy equipment, and electrical hazards. They can impede your maneuverability, hearing, and vision which could cause a mishap or injury due to entrapment in moving parts or a slip, trip, and fall.

  4. Hearing – Wear earplugs or muffs when working around loud machinery or equipment. But always ask your supervisor if it is permissible to listen to music or podcasts with earphones while working. It could be a distraction that could be fatal. No music or story is worth your life.

  5. Long Unkempt Hair – Many accidents are caused by somebody getting hair caught in machinery or simply attempting to fix their hair while operating equipment. Loose and flowing hair can get in your face and obstruct vision or become a distracting annoyance causing a worker to perform an unsafe task. Tie long hair back, wear a hat, or get a haircut.

In a perfect world, distractions don’t exist, but since we’re stuck in an imperfect universe, all we can do is our job and do it safely to the best of our ability. We can try to help our coworkers to do the same. While some factors in the workplace can play a role in causing distractions, the fact remains that more workplace hazards spring from unsafe acts than from unsafe conditions.

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