Sanitary Sewer Claims

The claims linked to Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) incidents in the 2022-2023 fiscal year alone have amounted to an unsettling $3.4 million, which is equivalent to 50% of our reported losses among our member municipalities. The rising costs of SSO incidents serve as a reminder that our risk pool's strength lies not only in its financial reserves but in the public health, safety and welfare of member’s citizens. Considering the escalating costs of SSO claims, OMAG is exploring options to reduce this exposure to the risk pool, including limited coverage, higher deductibles, and/or higher premiums. In the interim, it is imperative that we, as a risk pool community, come together to develop a proactive and strategic approach to mitigate the effects of SSO incidents.   

Here are a few OMAG value added services your municipality can utilize to mitigate this issue: 

Know where the issues with your system are located: 

Acoustic Inspection is a quick, easy to use, and cost-effective method for determining potential blockage locations in your collection system.  OMAG has (7) Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tools (SL-RAT) units available for members to use free of charge.  SL-RAT assessment information allows OMAG members to better allocate sewer line cleaning, CCTV inspection, and other maintenance operations. 

Pinpoint the cause of collection system blockages/issues: 

Closed-circuit television inspection is used to identify, evaluate, and manage obstruction and mainline defects. The value of CCTV inspection is hard to ignore.  Considering this, OMAG has partnered with local contractors to provide closed-circuit television inspection services for a maximum of 3,000 liner feet of sewer line as well as jetting and vacuuming cleaning as needed.  This grant is provided at no cost to eligible participating members. 

Manage root intrusion: 

Tree root are a stubborn and destructive force once they make their way into sewer main lines.  Chemical root control minimizes damage and service disruption and is one of the most effective methods for removing this costly line obstruction.  OMAG has partnered with Duke’s Root Control Inc to provide guaranteed sewer root control treatments to participating members.  This grant opportunity provides a 1:1 matching funds, with a $5,000 maximum benefit. 

Continuing maintenance, purchasing equipment: 

Maintaining your collection and observing “Best Practices” is of paramount importance.  Having equipment to maintain your sewer collection is costly enterprise.  Recent price increases have further placed owning maintenance equipment further out of many members reach. OMAG recognizes the need and in response, developed a grant to make this equipment more obtainable.  The Sanitary Sewer Equipment Purchase grant, is a 1:1 matching funds grant with a $10,000 maximum benefit.  Equipment eligible for matching funds include but are not limited to new/refurbished jetters, jetter nozzles, CCTV inspection cameras, and other related equipment. 

Maintenance, Budget, and Planning Assistance

Developing, budgeting and planning for sewer maintenance and replacement is a daunting task.  It is sometime difficult to know where to start.  Please know that OMAG’s Risk Management professionals are no further than a phone call or email away. If you’re looking for resources or assistance in dealing with your specific sewer collection system issue(s); please feel free to contact us at your convenience at (405) 675-1400. OMAG staff is available to answer your questions and connect your municipality with outside professional resources, if needed. 

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